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For all EAL related queries, please contact Mrs Harter at 

What is meant by EAL?

A pupil is recorded as having English as an additional language (EAL) if she/ he is exposed to a language at home that is known or believed to be other than English. -Department for Education

EAL at Park Road Academy

At Park Road Academy 44% of our children have English as an Additional Language. We have twenty different languages spoken. We are immensely proud of the rich diversity that thrives within our school community. We believe in nurturing this diversity and see having the wonderful array of linguistic skills amongst our pupils as a strength.

Our teachers consider the role of each pupils' first language when planning learning opportunities. They involve pupils in activities where the language is challenging but appropriate to their abilities and interests. The skills and needs of pupils with EAL are assessed on entry and appropriate provision is provided according to their needs. We use a range of different strategies to support pupils as they develop their fluency for the English language.

Here are some of the main principles of teaching at Park Road Academy which enable EAL learners to progress and reach their maximum potential:

  •          Activating prior learning:

Activities that enable learners to activate their prior knowledge of the lessons topic facilitate greater engagement and understanding. Staff may use pupils' first languages and find out what they know through questioning, quizzes and games.

  •          Providing a rich context:

EAL learners benefit from being provided with additional contextual support to help them make sense of information. The use of images and visual organisers are provided to support learning.

  •           Making the English Language explicit in the classroom:

Within the context of the curriculum, EAL learners are supported to recognise and understand how the English language is used. Key forms and structures are pointed out to allow pupils to meet the language needs of the task. Strategies include providing oral and written models. Staff scaffold speaking and writing through speaking and writing frames, such as colourful semantics.

  •          Developing pupils' independence:

Pupils' independence is fostered by developing their organisational, thinking and social skills (such as, working co-operatively with others, taking turns and asking for help.) Pupils are provided with visual timetables and checklists to help them complete tasks independently. Staff support pupils in developing note-taking skills and summary-writing skills. Where possible, pupils are supported by a friend who speaks the same language, to support with settling in to life at Park Road Academy. 

  •          Supporting learners with EAL to extend their vocabulary:

EAL pupils at all levels are given opportunities to grow their English vocabulary. This is done by taking advantage of their first languages through translation, the use of flashcards, images, games, knowledge organisers and pre teaching of key vocabulary.

Flash Academy     

We use Flash Academy to provide intervention and accelerate English language acquisition through curriculum mapped lessons, challenges and games which simultaneously teach and test pupils.


  • Pupils acquire both vocabulary and grammar skills
  • Encourages high pupil engagement with a live school leaderboard
  • Independent learning for all skills: speaking, reading, writing and listening.

What our pupils say:

"I like using Flash Academy because it's on the laptop. I have improved my spelling by practising with the Flash Academy games."

"Flash Academy is good for learning new vocabulary."

"Flash Academy is fun because you get to practise English skills in a fun way on the laptop. It's good because you can compete with your friends and see who is at the top of the leaderboard."

When to keep your child off school
Translated guidance on when to keep your child off school

Parrot Club

Pupils in KS1 and KS2 have the opportunity to join our Parrot Club. During our sessions, pupils with EAL come together to celebrate their home languages. They also strengthen their vocabulary and grammar skills through the use of discussion, team games, Flash Academy online games, bilingual books, singing, drama, craft, art, cooking, dance and music activities.

We meet on Fridays at lunch time in the Club Room.

Chinese New Year

At Park Road Academy we can speak 22 languages including English, Welsh, Chinese, Finnish, Polish, Arabic,  Russian, Malay, Telugu, Nigerian, Czech, Urdu, Gujarati, Greek, Turkish, Bengali, Tamil, Portuguese, Panjabi, Hindi, Swahili and Marathi.